The "Quantum Survival" Story
Delivering 700+ of the Best Nutritional Treasures at the Speed of Light
There is a NEW and superior way for you to combat the UNSAFE world of nutritional wastelands and medical uncertainties.
Introducing the “Quantum Survival” System
Instant Delivery of “The Three Keys of LIFE.”

The Keys of LIFE are captured in
Comprehensive botanical delivery systems.

The Story of The “Quantum Survival” Paradigm

In the beginning, men knew that plants, roots, and mushrooms were essential for disease prevention, remedies, and optimum health
Ancient civilizations, from one end of the earth to the other, flourished with the Nutritional Treasures that surrounded them.
China, India, South America, Africa, Europe, Mesopotamia, and the Middle East abound to this very day with hundreds of these botanicals healing properties.

Light . . . Water . . . Plants
The “Quantum Survival” Paradigm Story Has Three Chapters.
Chapter 1
Quantum Nutrition Delivery
Chapter 2
Science of Water
Chapter 3
Quantum Nutritional Life
CHAPTER 1 Quantum Nutrition Delivery

400+ of the Best Nutritional Treasures essential for disease prevention, healing remedies, optimum health, and quantum defense around the world, delivered by The ONLY System that provides you and each member of your family the exact amounts of these nutrients, based on your individual needs . . .
Day-after-Day and Year-after-Year
At the Speed of Light!
A Quantum Is A Photon of Light.

A Photon is the smallest quantity of energy in the electromagnetic field (including light and radio waves).
The photon is the carrier for the electromagnetic force.
Photons have no substance (no mass).
Photons are light years beyond physical substances.
Only A Photon Moves At The Speed of Light.
Light is the Energy of Life
There is no life without light.
Without photons, the biological process is impossible.

The HALO Breakthrough Technology
The HALO Systems utilize the energy of light, passing photons through vials of all-natural botanicals.
Each HALO botanical vial is loaded with an abundance of the world’s nutritional treasures, that are known to address specific health needs and conditions.
The photons pick up the harmonic frequencies from these botanicals and transmits these new energies directly into the body.

HALO’s Photonic Nutrition Delivery Systems
Each of the photonic nutrition delivery systems are designed with a specific purpose to answer a specific area of needs.
All systems have their own individual series of system vials with a unique blend of botanicals, (plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, roots, mushrooms etc.) known for their nutritional value and health supporting benefits.
The Quantum Essentials Delivery System

The Essential Nutrients System delivers the nutritional foundation for disease prevention, normal cell growth, optimum health, and quantum defense.
The “Essential Nutrients” Series Include: Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Proteins, Essential Fatty Acids.
This series is designed to deliver ALL the essential nutrients your body will ever need.
The Quantum Health Restoration Delivery System

The Health Restoration System delivers the world’s best nutritional treasures for the myriad of ailments that our polluted and injury prone world produce.
The “Advanced Chemistry” Series Include: Wellness, Defense, Mind, Multitherapy, Ultimate Viral.
This series is designed to deliver all the ingredients your body needs to maintain, restore its natural homeostasis and a healthy balanced environment where the cells of your body can fulfill their tasks of life.
The Quantum Longevity Delivery System

The Quantum Longevity System delivers the Internet’s most documented anti-cancer, anti-tumor, and anti-pathogen plants, roots, and mushrooms.
The “Longevity” Series Include: Longevity 1, 2, 3, Ultimate Longevity, Platelet Booster.
This series is designed to deliver all the ingredients your body needs to fight of abnormal cell growth and the effects of tumors creating havoc in the body.
The Quantum Beauty Delivery System

The Quantum Beauty System delivers the world’s best kept secrets beyond the surface at the cellular level.
The “Esthetics” Series Include: Hair, Skin, Nails, Rejuvenation and Glow.
This series is designed to deliver all the ingredients your body needs to maintain and restore a healthy and youthful appearance and diminish the effects of aging and stress.
The Quantum Survival Delivery System

The Quantum Survival System delivers the most complex and comprehensive blends of botanicals to defend the body from apocalyptic threats.
The “Apocalypse” Series Include: Breathe Defense, Detox, Immune Restore, Oxidation Defense, Parasite Defense, Radiation Defense, Viral Defense, Wound Healing.
This series is designed to address many concerns about possible hardships ahead like severly limited or no access to medical assistance; contaminants in the air, water, and earth; massive shortages of food or concerns over genetically modified foodstuffs; toxic substances in food; pathogens.
ALL five of these comprehensive systems are comprised of
Over 700 Nutritional Treasures.
They are ALL delivered at the same time!
This quantum paradigm shift is a story that no food supplement can tell.

Liquids, Powders, Capsules are physical substances . . .
Therefore, they can NEVER be delivered at the speed of light!
There are FIVE Previously Unsolvable
Food Supplement Problems . . .

Problem #1
Your food supplements do not come close to contain ALL the essential nutrients your body will ever need.
Not even the Multi-Vitamin-Elephant in the room . . .

Problem #2
Most of your nutrients do not survive the digestive battle that must be fought before they can be absorbed by the blood stream.

Problem #3
The nutrients that do survive absorption lose most of their nutritional value as chemical “bonding” produces massive energy heat loss.

Problem #4
When your cells are closed, the physical molecules of nutritional supplements cannot penetrate the cell membrane.
The Life cannot get IN and the toxins cannot get OUT.

Problem #5
Everyone’s nutritional NEED are unique. There is NO way of knowing what each of your cells current nutritional NEEDS are and what is the exact amount of nutrients NEEDED to meet those NEEDS.

Therefore . . .
It’s time to stop “killing yourself” trying to overcome the IMPOSSIBLE substance problems that can only be solved with quantum nutrition.
What if . . .
ALL of the “Quantum Survival” Nutrients you need could be delivered at the speed of light without going through the digestive conflicts?

What if . . .
Photons delivering Nutritional Life could penetrate your closed cells and cause them to open at the speed of light with NO chemical bonding energy loss?

What if . . .
The exact amount of the “Quantum Survival” nutrients for everyone’s current needs were being delivered no matter how diverse their individual body’s chemistry?

What if . . .
With a One-Time -Purchase you could deliver the entire “Quantum Survival” botanicals vital for disease prevention, normal cell growth, optimum health, and defense from apocalyptic threats, day-after-day, year-after-year?

There is NO Comparison Between
Photonic Light and Physical Delivery
The HALO’s instant delivery of ALL the “Quantum Survival” nutrients answers every “What If” question
with the Greatest Nutrition Paradigm Shift ever.

Replacing these inferior supplements with the HALO “Quantum Survival” Nutrients can produce huge long-term savings. (One of our HALO owners has saved over $54,000 over the last five years!)

The question you need to be asking yourself is…
What do I need to know to understand
“The Photon Delivery System” Breakthrough?

#1. The HALO Does Not Heal, Cure or Treat Diseases.
The HALO delivers the quantum nutritional treasures of life.
#2. Nothing HEALS Sickness, Disease or Injury Except